Gaming encourages critical thinking and motor skills as well as important social skills such as leadership and teamwork. They're also effective tools for teaching educational skills such as algebra, biology, and coding, as gaming enhances learning and understanding. Video games have the potential to transform education. However, game designers, teachers, and parents must first overcome both hype and fear.
When you look at a student's life, you'll notice that by the time they graduate high school, they've played around 10,000 hours of video games on average. This is nearly the same amount as they spend on education.
According to studies, many modern students spend as much time playing video games as they do attend school. Some may see this as a shocking affirmation that video games are eroding the entire generation's education, but the U.S. Department of Education sees it as an opportunity to reinvent education so that it is more relevant to today's students. You can probably guess which of the two activities they will find more interesting or relevant.
However, if you're creating and designing learning games, you need to connect and collaborate with teachers and school leaders to ensure you're creating games that meet the needs. We certainly need to continue to find ways to encourage, educate, and inspire students of all ages, and parents have to move beyond both hype and fear, as they are the ones whose encouragement matters.
Furthermore, games will undoubtedly become an important part of education in the future. The availability of Internet access in schools across the country will make the concept of using games to transform learning more practical.
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